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The Top 5 Reasons to Budget for Value Selling Tools

Staying relevant is a constant challenge in B2B marketing and sales. Successful leaders continuously explore innovative approaches that can significantly and positively impact lead acquisition in marketing and customer acquisition in sales. One such approach is to leverage value selling tools.

4 Tips for Scheduling Outstanding Trade Show Meetings

Trade show require thorough preparation to ensure a successful outcome.  As Stephen Covey said, you need to “begin with the end in mind.” In other words, you have to establish your goals for the show before you get there. Who are your targets and how many meetings do you want to schedule? What do you want to accomplish at the show? How much revenue do you need to generate to justify the investment?

10 Amazing Benefits of Value Calculators

Nothing better makes the case for change in front of decision makers than showing the red ink on your buyer’s bottom line. A value calculator is a highly effective tool for displaying all of that red and identifying that it’s caused by a problem your product or service can solve.

Quality Leads vs. High-Volume Leads: Which is Better?

Recently I asked my blog readers to share opinions about the great "quality vs. volume" debate. That is, if you had your choice between a high volume of leads and high-quality leads, which would you prefer? Here's the feedback I received from readers -- 71% chose quality, while 29% chose volume.
