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ROI Selling Information Security Compliance

Information Security is Our Top Priority

ROI Selling takes information security seriously and it is our highest priority.  As a result, you benefit from a secure infrastructure and deployment of sales and marketing tools built to meet the requirements of the most security-sensitive organizations.   The ROI Selling platform allows you to focus on developing, delivering, marketing and selling your offerings, while relying on sales and marketing enablement tools that ensure a high level of information and system security.

We have controls in place to comply with the SOC 2 information security trust criteria and those controls have been audited by The Moore Group over an extended period.

The audit findings were that ROI Selling:

  1. Has a description that fairly describes the scope of the system
  2. Has controls in place that are suitably designed to provide reasonable assurance that the applicable trust services criteria will be met
  3. Has demonstrated that the controls operated effectively to provide reasonable assurance that the applicable trust services criteria were met over the 6-month audit period.


You can request a copy of our compliance report by emailing info@roi-selling.com

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