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Why Multi-Channel Value Calculators Boost Marketing and Sales ROI

Engaging with buyers has become increasingly difficult as demand for their time and attention is at an all-time high. On top of that, marketing channels are falling in and out of favor at unprecedented pace. All this makes creating single-purpose marketing and sales content a big and costly gamble.

Learn How Value Selling Tools Can Improve Trade Show ROI

Unlike digital marketing, live industry events allow sales teams to engage one-on-one with multiple prospects over a focused period of time. Value selling tools are a compelling way to attract enough qualified visitors to your booth to justify your investment. Try these tips at your next show.

4 Tips for Scheduling Outstanding Trade Show Meetings

Trade shows require thorough preparation to ensure a successful outcome.  As Stephen Covey said, you need to “begin with the end in mind,” meaning, you have to establish your goals for the show before you get there. Who are your targets and how many meetings do you want to schedule? What do you want to accomplish at the show? How much revenue do you need to generate to justify the investment?
