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David Svigel

David Svigel
David helped launch ROI Selling with the vision of bringing other like-minded value practitioners together to deliver seamless value selling programs. He contributes to the firm’s strategic path and is active in all aspects of the business. His focus is on helping clients construct their value proposition, tool delivery, and client service. He has extensive B2B market planning, marketing, and sales enablement experience with Fortune 500 enterprises as well as startup companies. Through all these roles, he studied how a solution’s value was (and wasn’t) communicated to customers. David took the learnings from those successes and failures and helped create a set of value-based marketing and sales tools adapted to today’s technology. David earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Cleveland State University. He serves on the planning committee for OHTec’s Sales & Marketing Group and volunteers his time across his community. David and his wife enjoy small town life and sharing the unique experiences and conversations that come with having a daughter in the sixth grade.
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Recent Posts

How a Dynamic Value Proposition Leads to New Growth Opportunities

Value propositions need to be constantly refreshed as customer, competitor, and market dynamics change, which is all the time. Successful, energetic companies embrace this renewal and use it to sustain ongoing profitable growth. Let’s examine more closely why and how to adopt this approach.

3 Keys to Effectively Highlight Your Solution’s Value

What’s your sales strategy for 2021? The global pandemic has wreaked havoc in every business sector and will likely dominate the economy going into next year. And the upcoming presidential election is sure to add more uncertainty. What better time to build a 2021 sales strategy that focuses on delivering business value?

Why Sellers Should Return to the Fundamentals

In pre-pandemic days, sales and marketing efforts focused on enhancing the customer’s total experience (e.g., brand assurance, strategic growth, ESG, responsiveness, and future enablement). But COVID-19 has flipped this paradigm, at least in the short term, as buyers keep retreating to more basic considerations.

B2B Strategies to Engage Buyers in this Challenging Business Environment

As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, millions of workers have been quarantined and are working from home in an effort to slow the rate of infection. And while employee safety is paramount, organizations are still responsible for marketing and generating revenue to keep their business healthy.

3 Simple Value Selling Tips to Increase Sales Growth

When selling to well-informed buyers, your sales team needs to skip the “features and functions” pitch and get straight to the point: the value your solution delivers relative to the problems it solves. Do they have the right tools and training? Do they understand what’s most important to buyers?

Why Healthcare Companies Need a Strong Value Selling Program

Introducing value into the healthcare industry has significantly disrupted everything from patient care and payment models to product positioning that delivers more than clinical outcomes and the lowest cost. How can medical device and software companies successfully embrace this disruption?

How to Tell if a Sales Rep Will Make a Successful Sales Manager

This guest post from Andrew Quinn, VP at Hubspot, offers practical considerations for building a high-performing sales leadership team by promoting top sales reps. The key takeaway is to remember that not all rock star performers will be terrific sales leaders.

How to Sell Complex Solutions to Multiple Buyers

My guest appearance on The Sales Conversation Podcast explored How to Sell Complex Solutions to Multiple Buyers using value selling. I shared practical strategies and tactics to advance your value selling approach with host, Bruce Scheer, founder of Sales Conversation, and together, we took a meaningful look at how to improve sales performance with value selling.

How to Attract Buyers' Attention and Increase Sales

One of the biggest challenges in sales is getting buyers’ attention. And even when you do get a phone call set up, too often buyers on the other end of the line are clearly multi-tasking and not paying full attention. The panacea is to provide buyers with meaningful insights. Follow the five steps below to create deeper buyer engagement, which will lead you from initial contact to sealing the deal on renewals and future sales.

How to Create Urgency with Buyers and Close More Deals

Presentation is everything, from food and fashion to thought leadership and value propositions. There’s a lot riding on how well your team articulates the customer’s problem and presents the value of your solution. When it’s done clearly, persuasively, and with a sense of urgency, buyers will take action quickly and decisively in your favor.
