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David Svigel

David Svigel
David helped launch ROI Selling with the vision of bringing other like-minded value practitioners together to deliver seamless value selling programs. He contributes to the firm’s strategic path and is active in all aspects of the business. His focus is on helping clients construct their value proposition, tool delivery, and client service. He has extensive B2B market planning, marketing, and sales enablement experience with Fortune 500 enterprises as well as startup companies. Through all these roles, he studied how a solution’s value was (and wasn’t) communicated to customers. David took the learnings from those successes and failures and helped create a set of value-based marketing and sales tools adapted to today’s technology. David earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Cleveland State University. He serves on the planning committee for OHTec’s Sales & Marketing Group and volunteers his time across his community. David and his wife enjoy small town life and sharing the unique experiences and conversations that come with having a daughter in the sixth grade.
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How Value Selling Can Help You Overcome Your Customers' Status Quo Bias

Encouraging prospects to change their behavior is one of the greatest challenges facing marketers and sellers. Behavioral economists call this phenomenon “status quo bias.” How can sellers overcome this inherent yet irrational desire to keep something the same, even if it’s less than optimal?

3 Ways to Better Communicate Your Solution’s Value to Buyers

The biggest gap between sellers and buyers is a shared understanding of a solution’s value. This gap leads to long sales cycles or worse, deals that just fade away. Overcoming this chasm can be accomplished using value selling tools, which function as a Rosetta Stone to unlock insights for both sides.

Fine Tune Your Value Selling Tools to Boost Adoption and Sales

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Sell Successfully to the CFO Using These 5 Easy Steps

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5 Easy Steps to Better Estimating Labor Savings in Your Business Case

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How to Engage Buyers and Sell More with Personalized Information

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How to Persuade More Buyers with a Better, More Focused Business Case

An effective business case conveys your solution’s value and impact as they relate to the specific needs of your buyer. Although different levels of approval are often needed, a business case should be tailored to include the messaging and metrics most important to the decision maker.

See How Value Selling Can Help Overcome the Growing Buyer-Seller Gap

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10 Guiding Principles of a Successful Value Selling Tool

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Complex Solution Sales: This is How to Win More Deals

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