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Five Surefire Ways to Delay the Sale

If you are like the vast majority of businesses, you strive to shorten your sales-cycle and accelerate closing the deal. On the other hand, some businesses are blessed with such a smooth sales process that they need to slow things down.

Use Value Selling to Get a Seat on the Same Side of the Table

Marketers and sellers need to know how much their offering is worth to customers. This knowledge helps acquire qualified leads and close more deals. Unsurprisingly, buyers want the same information and need to know how much your offering can lower costs and grow revenue.

How to Lead in the Buyer Journey with Next Steps

My guest appearance on The Sales Conversation Podcast explored How to Lead in the Buyer Journey with Next Steps. I was joined by my business partner, Darrin Fleming, and the host, Bruce Scheer, founder of Sales Conversation. Together, we discussed how sellers can lead and support buyers through the buying process by having defined “next steps.”

Why You Need to Build a Curious Sales Organization

I had a fascinating conversation with Alex Berg about increasing revenue by building a more curious sales organization. As founder and Chief Curiosity Officer at CQ Selling, Alex shared his insights about harnessing the power of curiosity to strengthen rapport and propose solutions that deliver the most value.

Is a TCO Tool Worth the Risk?

During initial conversations, prospective customers often tell me they’re looking for a TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) calculator or tool. My typical response is to ask what they’re trying to accomplish so we can explore which tool (or tools) will best serve their needs. More often than not, a TCO tool can be helpful, but it may not the best solution.

How to Sell Complex Solutions to Multiple Buyers

My guest appearance on The Sales Conversation Podcast explored How to Sell Complex Solutions to Multiple Buyers using value selling. I shared practical strategies and tactics to advance your value selling approach with host, Bruce Scheer, founder of Sales Conversation, and together, we took a meaningful look at how to improve sales performance with value selling.

5 Steps for Presenting Your Solution's Value to the CFO

Grant Thornton’s 2018 CFO Insights on New Technologies research study reveals that “CFOs are playing an increasingly important role in influencing decisions related to technology.” At the same time the study found that “only 12% of executives strongly agree that they have an effective system of measuring financial key performance indicators associated with the implementation of technology.“

How to Attract Buyers' Attention and Increase Sales

One of the biggest challenges in sales is getting buyers’ attention. And even when you do get a phone call set up, too often buyers on the other end of the line are clearly multi-tasking and not paying full attention. The panacea is to provide buyers with meaningful insights. Follow the five steps below to create deeper buyer engagement, which will lead you from initial contact to sealing the deal on renewals and future sales.

The Truth About Value Selling to Unique Market Segments

If you are marketing and selling a complex B2B solution, it is critical to differentiate your offering’s value proposition for each market segment. Markets are often segmented using geographic attributes (e.g., continent, country, region, state and dispersion) and / or business attributes (e.g., size, industry, product mix and legal structure). That said, the key factor in your segmentation analysis is how your customers use your solution.

How to Boost Sales Results with Business Value Conversations

Here’s what I’ve discovered after working with thousands of sellers around the globe for over 20 years: a very small number of sales reps conduct business value conversations with their buyers. This is despite the reality that value selling improves margins, close rates, and customer satisfaction better than any sales strategy out there.
