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5 Easy Steps to Better Estimating Labor Savings in Your Business Case

Labor savings is the value dimension most often challenged by prospects when building a business case. Why is it so tough to get customer buy-in for your labor-saving estimates? While the answer will vary by company, these hesitancies are often at the core.

3 Keys to Effectively Highlight Your Solution’s Value

What’s your sales strategy for 2021? The global pandemic has wreaked havoc in every business sector and will likely dominate the economy going into next year. And the upcoming presidential election is sure to add more uncertainty. What better time to build a 2021 sales strategy that focuses on delivering business value?

How Grassroots Strategy will Boost Profitable Growth

To effectively sell based on value, you need to first grasp the value your offering creates. That is where Grassroots Strategy comes in. Jeff Bennett and I recently published Grassroots Strategy: Cultivating B2B Growth from the Ground Up to share what we’ve learned about building marketing strategies around customer needs and proper pricing strategies.

5 Steps for Presenting Your Solution's Value to the CFO

Grant Thornton’s 2018 CFO Insights on New Technologies research study reveals that “CFOs are playing an increasingly important role in influencing decisions related to technology.” At the same time the study found that “only 12% of executives strongly agree that they have an effective system of measuring financial key performance indicators associated with the implementation of technology.“

How to Create Urgency with Buyers and Close More Deals

Presentation is everything, from food and fashion to thought leadership and value propositions. There’s a lot riding on how well your team articulates the customer’s problem and presents the value of your solution. When it’s done clearly, persuasively, and with a sense of urgency, buyers will take action quickly and decisively in your favor.

The Right Business Case for the Right Opportunity

When you get right down to it, B2B deals are driven by the buyers’ desire to lower costs or grow sales. Even if they tell you they want to “mitigate risks” or “achieve compliance,” buyers still expect to achieve their desired outcome along with a positive impact to their bottom line.

Sell the Problem You Solve, Not the Product You Have

I recently spoke with Mike Serulneck, an accomplished value engineer who has successfully developed and managed business value engineering and sales proposal teams at Tier 1 technology companies. During our conversation, Mike shared his experience using value selling methodologies to sell technology solutions, as well as his perspective on how value selling has changed over the last decade.

When and Why Do You Need a Business Case to Sell?

Do you use a business case as part of your sales process? If not, you should seriously consider it, because any solution-based or consultative-based sale will benefit from providing buyers with the business case.
