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Darrin Fleming

Darrin Fleming
Darrin Fleming is Managing Director at ROI Selling. Darrin has worked with a variety of companies in technology and complex solutions including Honeywell, Celanese, Merck, PPG, Battelle, and Cooper Industries to quantify the value of their solutions and build compelling business cases. His years of starting and managing consulting and professional services businesses at companies like Rockwell Automation allow him to bring a wide range of experiences and insights to his clients. Darrin has developed proven approaches for analyzing the market, understanding customer needs, developing strategies, developing appropriate Go-To-Market plans for the offerings, and enabling an effective execution of the strategy. He travels around the world helping and training companies to improve their marketing performance. Darrin also has to his credit a book published through McGraw-Hill. Darrin attended the MBA program at the University of Oregon where he focused on Marketing and Organizational Development. He also has a BSEE in Control Systems Engineering from Michigan Technological University. He is based in Cleveland, Ohio with his wife Nikki and their two sons.
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Is a TCO Tool Worth the Risk?

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How to Grow Your Average Selling Price

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Why Value Based Selling is Still So Successful

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Philosophy of  Value Selling

What Can Aristotle Teach Us About Value Selling?

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How to Communicate Value to Customers: The IQS Story

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