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Amit Davé

Recent Posts

4 Ways to Avoid Sticker Shock in Your Sales Process

It’s happened to the best of us: you tell a prospect how much your product or service costs and silence ensues on the other end of the line. This is known as “sticker shock.” If you’ve done your job as a salesperson though, your customer should never experience this. Why? You’ll have set up the value and discussed price early on and, therefore, eliminated any price sensitivity. However, there will be times when, despite your transparency with price, the prospect may not have been paying attention or started to think about pricing.

4 Steps to Create Winning Content for Your Sales Proposal

In my last guest post I discussed how to make your proposals and quotes pop, but today I’d like to focus on how you can systematically create great content. After all, even the most beautiful and well-designed sales proposals will fall flat on their face if they’re not backed by well-written content.

Given the recent Super Bowl, I decided to enlist the help of a handy football analogy to walk you through the following steps. 

How to Make Your Proposals & Quotes Pop

Presentation is everything, especially when it comes to sales proposals and quotes. Getting it right can mean the difference between landing the sale or failing to get the contract—it's that important. If your sales proposals read like whitepapers, your client may leave scratching their head. Worse, they may be completely bored. One of the best sales strategies to have in your arsenal is the ability to create and implement winning proposals. Need some tips? Keep reading to find out how to make your sales proposal pop.

Why is Layout and Presentation So Important?

Executives and decision makers in all industries expect professionalism, and when it comes to proposals, appearance is just as important as the contents of the proposal. If your proposal is disorganized, boring or unattractive, it gets tossed aside with all the other proposals that look exactly the same. In order to get your proposals to stand out, yours must be clean, easy to read, and engaging.
